UM Volunteer with AAPS Student
  • We are fortunate to have hundreds of U-M students volunteer in AAPS Schools every year. 

    Please read on for guidance and information about volunteering with AAPS

    Benefits of Volunteering with AAPS

    • Provide a positive adult role model to youth in our community
    • Offer a helping hand to AAPS staff
    • Use your talents and skills and to support AAPS students
    • Gain valuable professional experience 

    Requirements for Volunteering with AAPS
    All frequent volunteers (volunteering on a weekly or biweekly basis) must clear an ICHAT background check and participate in an AAPS Volunteer Orientation. 

    Current Volunteer Opportunities

    View opportunties on our Current Opportunies Page. All opportunities require a commitment of at least an hour a week for 3 months.

    Resources for U-M Student Groups Looking to Volunteer at AAPS

    Are you a U-M Student Group looking to volunteer at AAPS? Here are some resources to get you started:

    Hints and Tips for Working with AAPS

    1. Please come with a specific idea of how you would like to help out. It is a lot harder for us to find a good opportunity for you if we don't know your specific interests, timeline and capacity. Not sure what you want to do? Contact the Ginsberg Center for assistance!
    2. Fill out our partnership request form to let us know how you would like to get involved.
    3. Sponsored student organizations must be registered with Children on Campus: Want to work with us? Please register with U-M Children on Campus first.
    4. We always need help raising funds: We are always happy to have student groups support our schools through donation drives. If you are interested in doing a donation drive, please let us know.
    5. We are interested in long-term commitments: AAPS does not have many opportunities for student groups to do one-time activities.  If this is your interest, please check out the available one-time opportunities on Connect2Community.
    6. We are always happy to answer questions! If you want to work with us, please feel free to reach out with questions.

    How have U-M Groups helped out in the past?

    • Purchased needed school supplies and holiday gifts for students in need.
    • Volunteered as tutors during and after school.
    • Volunteered for one-time opportunities such as helping wrap gifts during the holidays for students in need.
    • Volunteered as part of a student group to offer programming and activities for AAPS students on or off campus that focus on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math), student wellness, and more.

    Contact Us

    Contact the AAPS Strategic Partnerships office at or get started.

Welcome Volunteers from U-M!